संजय सोनवणी-Was Sindhu culture entirely destroyed?-1

Started by Atul Kaviraje, August 22, 2022, 08:21:19 PM

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Atul Kaviraje

                                      "संजय सोनवणी"


     आज वाचूया, श्री संजय सोनवणी, यांच्या ब्लॉग मधील एक इंग्रजी महत्त्वपूर्ण लेख. या लेखाचे शीर्षक आहे- "Was Sindhu culture entirely destroyed ?"

       Was Sindhu culture entirely destroyed ?--(लेख क्रमांक-१)--

     Popular myth is Sindhu culture was destroyed at the hands of nomadic Aryan invader tribes, those entered Indian subcontinent from Central Asia (or north pole), one after other. But as there is not a single proof of any violent battle in or around the remnants of sites those have been excavated, the theory had to be abandoned. It certainly depressed Aryanists. Even Rigveda itself, which is so-called most ancient religious text, does not approve this theory. Tilak tried to prove through some poetic verses of Rugveda that home of Aryans was in Arctic region, but this theory too has been failed on the grounds of physical proofs. Myth of Aryans is owed to Herman Yakobi and Maxmuller. But both were linguists and not anthropologists. Their principle thought was such a developed and mature language like "sanskrut" cannot have Indian origin. Hence the people those originated this language must have been foreigners.

     Anyway, this is not the principle object of writing this article. However, when such theories were being proposed and supported by likes of Tilak, remains of Sindhu culture were yet to see sunlight. When one after other Sindhu sites (First excavations were in the terrains of Sindhu river, hence Sindhu culture...but the spread of the sites is in 5.50 lakh sq. km's., ranging from Sindhu river, Hariyana, Punjab, Rajasthan to Maharashtra...this way it was and is real Indian culture).

     Now there is no dispute that oldest settlement of Sindhu culture is as old as 3500 BC. If considered Rigvedic timeline, it doesn't go back before 2500 BC. Most importantly Rugveda is composed during the era of King Sudasa and his successors by almost 350 Rishis of ten different clans. The composing of Rigveda is considered to be from 2500 BC till 1750 BC.

     And last remnants of Sindhu sites (not culture, as per my say AS it was never destroyed completely.) dates back to same time, i.e. 1750 BC. Is it co-incidence?

              WHO WERE VAIDIKS ?--

     If the Aryans were not invaders, didn't attack, defeated and destroyed Sindhu settlements, then who were they, and what kind of relationship did they have with Sindhu people?
Scholars like Dr. M. K. Dhavalikar have now started to propose that in fact vaidik Aryans were founders of Sindhu culture. (see..."Aryanchya Shodhat by Dr. M.K. Dhavalikar.). Also it is proposed by them that the fireplaces those are found in excavations in Sindhu sites are nothing but the "Yadnyavedi's".  If accepted their propositions, the main question arises that what was the religion of Sindhu people before rise of Rigveda and Yadnyik rituals? The timeline of Rugveda doesn't go back beyond 2500BC, no matter how stretched. And if Sindhu culture dates back to 3500 BC, it gives scope to many questions.

         Does Rigveda support this theory ?--

     Rigveda admits that their enemies used to live in forts and fortified cities.
Rigveda admits that vaidik people used to live in huts and small villages called "Vish".
Rigveda admits that vaidik people were herdsmen and not pro-agriculturists.
Being herdsmen, fire and animal-oriented sacrifice culture was normal to them.

--संजय सोनवणी
(December 16, 2010)

                 (साभार आणि सौजन्य-संजय सोनवणी.ब्लॉगस्पॉट.कॉम)
                                (संदर्भ-मराठी ब्लॉगर्स.नेट)

-----श्री.अतुल एस.परब(अतुल कवीराजे)