संजय सोनवणी-Was Sindhu culture entirely destroyed?-2

Started by Atul Kaviraje, August 22, 2022, 08:23:40 PM

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Atul Kaviraje

                                     "संजय सोनवणी"


     आज वाचूया, श्री संजय सोनवणी, यांच्या ब्लॉग मधील एक इंग्रजी महत्त्वपूर्ण लेख. या लेखाचे शीर्षक आहे- "Was Sindhu culture entirely destroyed ?"

       Was Sindhu culture entirely destroyed ?--(लेख क्रमांक-2)--

     Through their own lifestyle they developed their own religion. This religion was originated during period of King Sudasa, and as his clan lost its supremacy in the course of time Rugvedic Rishi's seem to pray and beg before Pani's (Those were sudras for them) for donations (See (Anukramani...Rigveda).To Rigvedik Rishis, all enemies of Sudasa clan are "Anarya's", including Ikshwaku (in this clan Rama took birth), Yadu (In this clan Krishna took birth), Matsya, Bhalanas, Anu, etc. Rigvedik Rishis all the time pray that the fortified cities of their enemy be destroyed at the hands of Lord Indra. They have been praying for the growth of their cattle...not agriculture.

               AND SINDHU CULTURE--

     The remnants of the ancient sites prove that Sindhu people used to live in well organized/planned cities.
They were mainly agriculturists.
They used to cultivate farmlands by using water of Sindhu river having an artificial bunds on the water flows.
Sindhu people also were traders/sea farers and used to trade with foreign lands crossing sea through ships. (The artifacts of Indus civilization found in Mesopotemia etc. are the proofs.)
Sindhu people principally were idol worshippers, chiefly Lord Shiva, Vrushabha, unicorn and Mother Goddesses.
Yoga was invented by Sindhu people as various seals those have been found prove this fact.

     I have given here quite a few points to describe there was principally great difference in both the cultures. Vaidik thought of civilization clearly is against civilized culture.
Sindhu culture was advanced in every way as compared to Vaidik culture. Vaidik culture was principally of herdsman culture whereas Sindhu culture was agriculturist.
Hence the claims that vaidik (or Aryans) destroyed Sindhu culture or they were creators of Sindhu culture can be refuted easily.

     Then question arises why vaidik culture ended by 1750 BC and why we find last remains of Sindhu culture (settlements) in the same period of time?

                  MYTH OF SARASVATI--

     Here I would like to draw your attention towards sarasvati river which was highly revered river by Vaidik rishis. There have been hundreds of prayers in this rivers praise, unlike Sindhu or other. This is because vaidik people were settled in the planes of saraswati river. The myth that this river dried up near Vinshan, has now got supportive physical proofs. Wakankar and few others have proved that this was not a mythical river; it really did exist in ancient times. In 1750 BC (approx) because of earthquakes saraswati had to change the course and as repeated earthquakes river dried up as there remained no source of water. (Hakra, a dried up river now is identified with Saraswati.)

     Considering this geological fact, which dried up a river, also must have made sever impact on the Sindhu cities those were all around epicenter of earth quake i.e. Saraswati River. Last remains of Sindhu culture are of approximately of same time period, i.e. 1750 BC. Hence people, no matter whether Vaidik or Sindhu, were forced to abandon the cities and build new settlements elsewhere or in nearby safe regions. Since vaidiks used to live in huts, no remains of vaidik culture has been ever found.

         Was Sindhu culture entirely destroyed ?--

     No culture ever dies, no matter whatsoever calamities might befall. We can trace out remains of Sindhu culture even today:

1. The same type of ships and bullock carts are still in use in Sindhu region today those were found in excavations in the form of toy's.
2. Yoga is still in the practice and is spreading, and first ever Yogic postures are found on abundant seals in Sindhu culture.
3. Thousands of "Vrushabh" (Bull) seals justify the tradition still continues.
4. The tree like Pimpal can be seen on various seals, and the same tree is considered Holy even today.
5. "saptmatruka" (may be symbol of week days.) can be seen on few seals.
6. Sindhu people were idol worshippers and we too even today are idol worshippers.
There can be many examples those we follw even today that can be related with faiths and style of Sindhu people.

--संजय सोनवणी
(December 16, 2010)

                (साभार आणि सौजन्य-संजय सोनवणी.ब्लॉगस्पॉट.कॉम)
                                 (संदर्भ-मराठी ब्लॉगर्स.नेट)

-----श्री.अतुल एस.परब(अतुल कवीराजे)