अभिलेख-The Evening... and I...

Started by Atul Kaviraje, September 12, 2022, 06:00:20 PM

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Atul Kaviraje



     आज वाचूया, श्री विनायक पंडित यांच्या "अभिलेख" या ब्लॉग मधील एक लेख. या लेखाचे शीर्षक आहे- "The Evening... and I..."
                              The Evening... and I...

     Hi folks!
     The New Year eve is just a few paces away. The stroll of remembering the events in the year passing by is coming to an end. The celebration fever is gearing up.
It was an eventful year as always the span of a year has to be but still it was unique in its own sense.
One night of it lasted for sixty hours followed by the dawn of emptied minds.

     I first of all salute the martyrs and wish you all a happy, prosperous and definitely a safe 2009! I started my blog this year with a poem in my mother language and here I translate it for all of you.

             The Evening... and I...

You engross my soul
My existence, whole of me
Like the tide
Which fades away caressing
Each and every molecule of sand on the shore...
You an ever wandering soul
In the fierce need of a host, a carrier
And Me
Immensely charged by my sensitivities
From the bottom of my heart
I become... the carrier
To satisfy your urge, the ghostly unquenched thirst of yours...
Flow of the sudden wind
Blows out the space balloon
And total darkness hovers around
Still I sense the silhouette
The clear thin line of the sky
And on it the trees swaying with a wayward madness
I start from my home, out in the courtyard
Reach the fence
Travel all along the fence, just along the fence
And return home
Trying to live in the dismal artificial light
Of my so called space
With a blank stare over every nook and corner of it
I reach the fence to have a desperate call from my space
And grab my space
To find magnetized by the fence
I become the carrier wholly possessed by you
To have these doubtless oscillations
I exhaust myself doing so
And I call for the day
To enjoy the good and the ugly dreams
Until a shock and getting awake
And I realize that
Your next conquer over me
Is just away
By a working day!

--विनायक पंडित
(Wednesday, December 31, 2008)

                (साभार आणि सौजन्य-परब सचिन.ब्लॉगस्पॉट.कॉम)
                              (संदर्भ-मराठी ब्लॉगर्स.नेट)
-----श्री.अतुल एस.परब(अतुल कवीराजे)