मराठी माती-Jai Maharashtra !--क्रमांक-3

Started by Atul Kaviraje, September 15, 2022, 09:38:37 PM

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Atul Kaviraje

                                      "मराठी माती"


     आज वाचूया, "मराठी माती" या ब्लॉग मधील एक लेख. या लेखाचे शीर्षक आहे- "Jai Maharashtra !"

                           Jai Maharashtra !--क्रमांक-3--

     Non marathi's have no right to blame marathi's for being opportunists,coward,spineless and egoist because they belong to a lineage who has same character,may be worse than marathi's.Its only 58 years after independence, shouldn't a non-marathi forget his past so early and so quickly.
I agree with the second author who asked the readers to think over the circumstances with broader views.We should first see how Gujarati people or Rajasthani people are behaving in Gujarat or Rajasthan.I am 100% sure that the scenario there is not different than Maharashtra.But they are not ruled by marathi or other people.Marathi's are not faultless.They need to come out of their secured world and face the rough realities.In one of the articles it is mentioned that marathis don't have motive to make progress.

     They don't have competetion in their community.Kirloskar is already a hot shot in marathi community and he doesn't have a motive to become Tata,Birla or Ambani.I completley agree with this point.We do not dream big.we harp on achievements of Shivaji and Peshwe and now we have representatives in our history book why should we strive to make a history or be a noticable part of it.Acheiving a highest position in a company makes me on the top of marathi world why should I own it?I am getting my meals and other luxuries why should I work harder to be a ruler when I am getting all my comforts being a servant.Come on people think big! Its been 58 years after independence and other people are deciding the direction of politics.Business policies are decided my non-marathis.We should not tolerate this dominance.

     It could be true that people from other resion of country could behave in a similar manner as a marathi behaves in Maharashtra but we never see Marathi influence on any other part of India.When they come out of their state they always unite and try to help people from their state ot community.How many Marathi do that?We don't help each other when we are outside Maharashtra.We are mean and laid back people.We are the materialssutiable for servants.No unity,no motives,no principles,no sense of belongingness to Maharashtra.We are divided.

     Work hard.Be in the focus of media.Be a fierce compititor, no matter how high you are in marathi community you should not be satisfied till you reach the top of entire Indians.Do not stamp yourself as White collar people.Form non-governement organizations.Help other people in country.Show your presence and make others to notice it.

     Remeber the world is changing.If your survival demands some flexibilty,aleast think about the other possibilities.Do not deny it right away.

     Jai Maharashtra !

--मराठी माती

                  (साभार आणि सौजन्य-मराठी माती.ब्लॉगस्पॉट.कॉम)
                                 (संदर्भ-मराठी ब्लॉगर्स.नेट)
-----श्री.अतुल एस.परब(अतुल कवीराजे)