इंग्रजी निबंध-क्रमांक-25-Parrot

Started by Atul Kaviraje, November 08, 2022, 09:33:50 PM

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Atul Kaviraje

                                      "इंग्रजी निबंध"


     आज वाचूया ज्ञानरंजक आणि ज्ञानवर्धक इंग्रजी निबंध. या निबंधाचे  शीर्षक आहे- "Parrot"

     Parrots are exceptionally beautiful birds that we found in various countries. In India, the most common type of parrots has a red beak and a black stripe on their neck and the whole parrot is covered with green feather. In addition, the parrot is among some of those animals that can mimic the human voice. Also, you can train them to speak whatever you told them.

            Places where you can find parrots

     The parrots live in warm nations and stay away from cold places. However, their average life is around 12-14 years but I have seen parrots that have lived for more than 20 years. For the most part of their lives, they live in hollow trees where they mate and lay eggs twice a year. But these beautiful creatures were captured and domesticated to live in small cages. But, a parrot likes to live his life in forests and that's why they escape from their cage whenever they get the chance.

     Besides, the zoos also keep parrots in big fancy cages and provide them with all the facilities and foods but that still doesn't make them happy because they want a free life. In addition, many markets sells these beautiful creatures for their own gain.

     In addition, there is a temple in India where hundreds and thousands of parrots live and the worshippers feed and take care of them. The temple is famous for them as it is only a place where such a large amount of a single species comes in direct contact with humans without any harm to them.

                    The food they love

     Parrots like sweets food items and hate bitter items. They eat food grains, leaves, pears, nuts, mangoes, corn and many more. Besides, these they also like green chilly and eat it with great joy. Also, they never complain about the food that you give them.

                  Types of parrots

     There are a large variety of these birds all across the globe that has different shape, size, and colors. According to records, there are about more than 350 species of parrots that live on earth. And some are so famous that even movies are made on them also many varieties are featured in many shows. Besides, some of the famous species of parrots are grey parrots, Alexandrine Parakeet, Budgerigar, scarlet macaw, blue and yellow macaw, rose-ringed parakeet, cockatiel, white cockatoo, sulfur-crested cockatoo, and many more. Most of these species are domesticated.

     Moreover, the main reason for their domestication is that they can speak the human language (if trained well).


     Parrots fly in a herd and they fly very quickly. Also, they are expert in learning things quickly and use their legs to find things quickly. Besides. They live a life of decent maturity.

     To sum it up, we can say that parrots are beautiful creatures that can do magnificent things. They bring joy on the face of every member of the family. Also, they are a very friendly and peaceful creature but if you try to hurt them then they will hurt you back. However, everyone at some point finds a way to love and care these gorgeous creatures.

              FAQs about Parrot Essay--

Q.1 -What is the special feature of parrots?

A.1 -Their curved beaks, clawed feet, and strong legs. According to people's believe they are one of the most intelligent species of birds. Besides, their most important feature is that they can mimic human beings.

Q.2 -What do parrots eat?

A.2 -The parrots are omnivores that means they can eat both vegetables and fruits as well as meat. In addition, most parrots eat food that consists of fruits, nuts, flowers, insects and seeds.


              (साभार एवं सौजन्य-संदर्भ-toppr.comguides essays)

-----श्री.अतुल एस.परब(अतुल कवीराजे)