इंग्रजी निबंध-क्रमांक-26-Honesty

Started by Atul Kaviraje, November 09, 2022, 09:27:03 PM

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Atul Kaviraje

                                     "इंग्रजी निबंध"


     आज वाचूया ज्ञानरंजक आणि ज्ञानवर्धक इंग्रजी निबंध. या निबंधाचे  शीर्षक आहे- "Honesty"


     Honesty is a word that we have heard from our childhood. But, we are not familiar with what it is and what is its meaning. There is no solid way to test the honesty of someone. In addition, it is a natural thing that can only be felt. It is a good quality of a person that reflects its mind towards things.

     Moreover, it brings stability and happiness in the life of the person and helps her/him to win the hearts and confidence of the person of the society.

                What is honesty?

     It's not something that we can see but we can feel it. Honesty is an act of being truthful and sincere with anyone young or old in all respects. Furthermore, it's an act of considering and doing what is universally right from everyone's point of view without the fear or force of others.

     Moreover, honesty is an act which we do selflessly for others. Some people pretend to be honest in front of others. But, in real life, they are the most dishonest person in their life who cheats innocent peoples. Honesty is a virtue that reveals the true quality of a person.

                    Honesty's Role in Life

     Honesty plays a very important role in all phases of life which we can only see when we clearly open our eyes. Being called an honest person by society is the best compliment that a person can get. In addition, it is a true quality and property that a person earns in her/his life that never finishes. Nowadays the biggest gap in the society is the gap of honest and dishonest and this gap is increasing day by day. Due to lack of interpersonal relationship between children and parents, students and teachers this gap is widening. The reason for that is, they aren't able to teach them what is honesty and it is not a material thing that anyone can buy or sell. It's a habit that develops slowly and school and home are the best places to develop these habits.

     Children learn most of their ethics from either the school or their home. That's why it is necessary to adopt these tactics in the education system so that the children can stay close to these moralities. Children should be taught from an early age the importance, value, and practice of honesty in life at schools and home by their teachers and parents.

     Besides, youth are the future of the country and if we develop their moral character well. Then they can lead the country in a better way.

                  Ethics of Honesty

     However, honesty is the true solution to all of the human problems. The problems like corruption and various other problems are hollowing the country from inside. Also, the number of honest people has reduced drastically over the year. But, if we taught our future generation to be honest than we can win this war against corruption.

     Moreover, in this competitive and fast environment, people have forgotten their moral ethics and chosen the path of dishonesty. So, it has become important to rethink where we have gone wrong and bring back honesty in the society once again.

     To conclude, to manage the social and economical balance people needs to realize the value of honesty. It has become an essential requirement of modern time. Besides, it's a good habit that makes a person capable enough to handle and solve a difficult situation.

                  FAQs about Honesty Essay--

Q.1 -Why honesty is important in life?

A.1 -It is important because it is about being real to yourself as well as others; it's about telling the truth, about doing the right thing at the right time. These are the reason why honesty is important.

Q.2 -Is honesty the best policy?

A.2 -Yes, honesty is the best policy because with it we can fight all the problems of society.


              (साभार एवं सौजन्य-संदर्भ-toppr.comguides essays)

-----श्री.अतुल एस.परब(अतुल कवीराजे)