इंग्रजी निबंध-क्रमांक-28-Environment Protection

Started by Atul Kaviraje, November 11, 2022, 09:05:55 PM

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Atul Kaviraje

                                     "इंग्रजी निबंध"


     आज वाचूया ज्ञानरंजक आणि ज्ञानवर्धक इंग्रजी निबंध. या निबंधाचे  शीर्षक आहे- "Environment Protection"

                            Environment Protection--

     The environment encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally. It refers to the surroundings in which an animal, a person, or a plant lives. Therefore, Environment is a vital aspect of the planet Earth. Certainly, this is what makes Earth a habitable planet. Unfortunately, our precious environment has come under threat in recent decades due to human activities. Most noteworthy, this rapid degradation of the environment is extremely problematic for life on Earth. Hence, protecting the environment should be considered the utmost priority of humanity.

             Ways to Protect the Environment

     First of all, planting trees is a great way of protecting the environment. Growing more and more trees would ensure healthy air quality. Furthermore, trees provide cool shade from sunlight. Trees help in controlling global warming.

     Water conservation would directly result in environmental protection. Certainly, nobody can survive without water. So, people should take precaution to save water at every opportunity. Most noteworthy, people should shorten their bath time. This is because the longer a person takes a bath, the more water he uses. Furthermore, one must turn off the tap when brushing. It seems like many individuals keep their taps on for the entire duration of brushing. Consequently, this results in a lot of wastage of water.

     Limiting the use of cars is another important way of environmental protection. Limiting car use would certainly reduce the amount of air pollution. One way to do say is opting for alternative car days. This means using the car one day and then avoiding it the very next day. Another way would be to substitute cars for bicycles or walking. Most noteworthy, cycling and walking don't cause pollution. Also, they are very good for the health of individuals.

     Minimizing food wastage could also contribute to environmental protection. All over the world, a lot of wastage of food occurs. Furthermore, wasted food is thrown into landfills. Moreover, the wasted food gradually decomposes into harmful greenhouse gas, methane. Also, wasting food indicates wastage of energy and water used for food production. To stop food wastage, people must make a list of food items they intend to buy. Most noteworthy, food for a week should be planned in advance.

               Benefits of Environment Protection

     Healthy air quality is certainly a direct result of environmental protection. Growing more trees would surely result in more oxygen in the atmosphere. Furthermore, trees and forests clean the air of many harmful pollutants.

     Reduction of climate change and global warming is another benefit of environmental protection. This would result due to a reduction in greenhouse gases emission. Temperatures all over the world are gradually increasing. Hopefully, expanding forests, parks, and grasslands would stop this harmful scenario from taking place.

     Another notable benefit of environment protection is improved water quality. Preserving open lands and parklands preserves the natural process of infiltration. This certainly results in improving storm water management and water quality. Furthermore, the water quality in water bodies likes rivers, lakes, oceans would remain clean. This is due to the reduction in the amount of hazardous waste being disposed of in water bodies.

     To sum it up, our environment is facing a severe crisis like never before. Furthermore, any recklessness in this regard could prove fatal for life on Earth. Most noteworthy, widespread awareness of environmental protection must be spread among the people. It's high time that humanity wakes up to this alarming environmental decline.

            FAQ on Essay on Environment Protection--

Q1 -Explain one way of conserving water?

A1 -One way of conserving water is shortening the bath time.

Q2 -Explain how preserving open lands and parklands help in improving water quality?

A2 -Preserving open lands and parklands preserve the natural process of infiltration. Moreover, this results in improving storm water management and water quality.


              (साभार एवं सौजन्य-संदर्भ-toppr.comguides essays)

-----श्री.अतुल एस.परब(अतुल कवीराजे)