इंग्रजी निबंध-क्रमांक-31-Adult Education

Started by Atul Kaviraje, November 14, 2022, 09:43:02 PM

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Atul Kaviraje

                                     "इंग्रजी निबंध"


     आज वाचूया ज्ञानरंजक आणि ज्ञानवर्धक इंग्रजी निबंध. या निबंधाचे  शीर्षक आहे- "Adult Education"

                               Adult Education--

     Adult Education is a great step that must be taken by all the countries as it will resolve a lot of issues. The third world countries must especially work to make this happen so they can prosper. India has to face a lot of problems due to lack of literacy.

     If we look at the report given by UNESCO, we see how India is shown to have the highest number of illiterate adults. This is a very pressing matter which must be resolved immediately. Lack of education results in a slow economic growth which hinders the development of a country.

               Adult Illiteracy in India

     India is still a developing nation which cannot become developed unless and until the literacy rate goes up. It faces a major problem of adult illiteracy. Education is a basic right of every citizen; however, not everyone understands this. The rural areas in India, still do not believe in the concept of education. Even if they do so, they only educate their boys, keeping the girls at home.

     Similarly, this has given rise to unemployment and poverty. Many regions of India still remain deprived of education. We can say that illiteracy is one of the major causes of crime as well. It hinders women from getting independent and forces them to be a victim of abuse due to this dependency.

     On the whole, adult illiteracy is the root of these social issues. The state of Kerala in India has the highest literacy rate whereas Haryana has the lowest. It clearly shows in the job opportunities in both states. Moreover, the crime rate also indicates how illiteracy plays a major role in the causes of crimes.

                  Need for Adult Education

     India needs adult education more than ever. There are many people who wish to have a happy life with a good job, yet illiteracy stops them from getting it. The government has taken many initiatives that promote adult education to improve the quality of life of these people.

     The classes are very flexible which can be attended by working adults too. Evening classes are held for working adults to help them balance their work life and personal life. Adult education is proof that it is never too late to start something good.

     Furthermore, adult education will help the parents raise their child efficiently and in a great manner. When they get educated they can get good job opportunities which will result in a steady income. This way they will be able to take care of their family in a better manner.

     Moreover, adult education empowers people and makes them aware of their society and their role. Likewise, adult education can also curb criminal activities to an extent. This is so because the people who are not educated and have no jobs usually perform crimes.

     Most importantly, adult education can help our country progress for the better. It will help in building a strong nation full of progressive thinking and literate people. This will, in turn, improve the living conditions of the people and help the nation prosper.

             FAQ on Essay on Adult Education--

Q.1 -What are the causes of adult illiteracy?

A.1 -There are a lot of things which causes adult illiteracy. It happens due to poverty as people do not have the means to study. It also happens due to unemployment.

Q.2 -How does adult education help?

A.2 -Adult education helps the nation become developed and progress faster. It improves the quality of life of people and provides them with better job opportunities. Adult education also helps parents raise their kids in a better manner.


              (साभार एवं सौजन्य-संदर्भ-toppr.comguides essays)

-----श्री.अतुल एस.परब(अतुल कवीराजे)