इंग्रजी निबंध-क्रमांक-32-Daily Routine

Started by Atul Kaviraje, November 15, 2022, 09:33:22 PM

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Atul Kaviraje

                                     "इंग्रजी निबंध"


     आज वाचूया ज्ञानरंजक आणि ज्ञानवर्धक इंग्रजी निबंध. या निबंधाचे  शीर्षक आहे- "Daily Routine"

                               Daily Routine--

     Life is full of adventures and challenges. To face them and conquer them, we must adapt ourselves to have a healthy life. Our daily life activities play a major role in deciding our life roles. Our daily life activities determine whether we are going to succeed or fail in our lives. Therefore, let's get to know about the healthy daily routine and how to improve it, in this daily routine essay.

           Healthy Daily Routine Essay

     We must have always heard that early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

     The phrase is certainly true. We must wake up early in the morning. A morning walk with the topping of daily exercise will boost your stamina and will give you an open mind. However, we know everyone loves to stay in their bed for more than 5 minutes, but you must get up.

     Most importantly, these daily exercises will enhance your immune system and your body will thank you every day. Moreover, choose a healthy drink with you during your walk. A healthy breakfast with a good amount of calories is a must to start the day.

     Try to give a little of your precious time to reading. The reading enhances your vocabulary and also reduces stress. Therefore, we can say that books are the best friends of humans. Do not always choose comic books or magazines for reading. However, you can choose some great novels and books based on popular scientists to create enthusiasm.

     Spending quality time with friends and family is also necessary to have a healthy daily routine. These happy moments release happy hormones in the body. As a result, you start feeling great about your day or life.

     Further, take your dinner on time, at least 3 hours before sleeping. Most importantly wind up all your work and get to sleep early. Your body certainly needs 8-9 hours of sleep daily. A lack of sleep can destroy brain cells (neurons).

                How to Improve Daily Routine

     Let's get to know how to improve your daily routine in this daily routine essay.

     Make a Schedule- The best way to improve your daily routine is to make a schedule of it. Make the basic daily activities and their time over a chart. Moreover, you can stick it in your room or set reminders on your phone. Make a schedule of waking up and sleeping too. Just add basic duties which you have to do at a particular time. This will help you in proper time management.

     Make to-do lists- A to-do list can help you to complete your entire daily task. Therefore, take tour pen and paper in the morning and make a to-do list for the entire day. Mark the tasks you have completed. This will boost your confidence too.

     Limit Screen Time- Try to not spend much time on the screens of laptops and mobiles. Focus on other important things such as reading and exercise.

                Conclusion of Daily Routine Essay

     Consequently, with the above daily routine essay, we get to aware of having a healthy routine. Moreover, we know that everyday activities play a vital role in building up the entire life. You can easily get a healthy daily routine just by following certain rules, such as a proper schedule and a healthy diet.

                     FAQs on Daily Routine Essay--

Question 1- How to describe our daily routine in a daily routine essay?

Answer 1 – Start from the beginning, i.e. the morning. Further, add on to some important details about your daily activities like your breakfast time, your study time, or sports time. Try to be friendly and natural while describing your daily activities.

Question 2- What is important to write in a daily routine essay of the student?

Answer 2- In a daily routine of a student, you must mention your school timings. Moreover, you may add on with your self-studying time. Provide some healthy options in your daily routine which help you in excelling in your academics.


              (साभार एवं सौजन्य-संदर्भ-toppr.comguides essays)

-----श्री.अतुल एस.परब(अतुल कवीराजे)