दिन-विशेष-लेख-जागतिक मेंदू कर्करोग जागरूकता दिन-B

Started by Atul Kaviraje, June 08, 2023, 05:03:56 PM

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Atul Kaviraje

                           "जागतिक मेंदू कर्करोग जागरूकता दिन"


     आज दिनांक-08.06.2023-गुरुवार आहे. 08-जून हा दिवस "जागतिक मेंदू कर्करोग जागरूकता दिन" म्हणूनही ओळखला जातो. वाचूया, तर या दिवसाचे महत्त्व, आजच्या या "दिन-विशेष-लेख" या शीर्षकI-अंतर्गत.

     On World Brain Tumor Day, check out the symptoms and treatment of this disease to ensure you are ready to take action if required. We have shared more details about the same below.

                  Symptoms of Brain Tumor--

     World Brain Tumor Day aims to educate people about brain tumors and their symptoms. Symptoms of a brain Tumor mainly depend on the size, type, location, and growth of the tumor cells. On World Brain Tumor Day, here is some information about the symptoms of this disease.

     Symptoms can start very mildly and gradually get worse over time.
Memory loss and concentration, as well as problems with coordination, balance, and fine motor skills, are key symptoms of brain tumors.
Many people suffering from brain tumors also have problems seeing and hearing.

            Common Symptoms of Brain Tumor--

On World Brain Tumor Day, check out some of the most common brain tumor symptoms here.

Symptoms of Brain Tumor--



Vision Problems


Nausea and Vomiting

Memory Loss

Lack of Concentration

Hearing Problems

Muscle Twitching

Gradual Loss of Sensation

Slurred Speech

Frequent and Severe Headaches

Changes in Mood, Behavior, and Personality


Problems with Balance

Treatment for Brain Tumors--
The following treatments are currently available for brain tumors.

Anti-seizure medication
Ventricular peritoneal shunt

        Why Should We Celebrate World Brain Tumor Day ?--

     World Brain Tumor Day is an important annual event that is observed in several countries around the world. Here are some reasons why it is important to celebrate this day.

     As per statistics by the International Association of Cancer Registries (IARC), more than 28,000 cases of brain Tumors are reported every year in India.
Out of these, 24,000 succumb to this deadly disease.
Hence, World Brain Tumor Day is important to create awareness of this disease, to spread awareness, and educate people about it.
World Brain Tumor Day 2022: History of World Brain Tumor Day
The initiative for World Brain Tumor Day was taken by the German Brain Tumor Association. In the year 2000, the Deutsche HirttenTumorhilfe (German Brain Tumor Association) introduced this day as the International Day of Remembrance for victims of brain tumors.

World Brain Tumor Day was first observed on 8 June 2000 by the German Brain Tumor Association.
This day was introduced to support tumor patients.
Since then World Brain Tumor Day is now observed annually on 8 June as a tribute to all brain tumor patients and their families.

--नेहा ध्यानी

                   (साभार आणि सौजन्य-संदर्भ-बायजूस एक्झाम प्रेप.कॉम)

-----श्री.अतुल एस.परब(अतुल कवीराजे)