दिन-विशेष-लेख-लोकशक्ती दिन-B

Started by Atul Kaviraje, August 20, 2023, 04:40:05 PM

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Atul Kaviraje

                                    "लोकशक्ती दिन"


     आज दिनांक- 20.08.2023-रविवार आहे. २० ऑगस्ट-हा दिवस "लोकशक्ती दिन" म्हणूनही ओळखला जातो. वाचूया, तर या दिवसाचे महत्त्व, आजच्या या "दिन-विशेष-लेख" या शीर्षकI-अंतर्गत.


     With regards to the numerous strategies carried out by people power activists, movements of this kind may involve violence and pacifism. Academic scholars recognise that because people power movements operate with the end goal of changing the existing political structure, if violence is to be used it will be "pragmatic or strategic" rather than principled non-violence. Pragmatic non-violence can include "non-physcial pressures" or other measures to "undermine the opponents power". As such, the category of people power cannot be applied to protests which are ends in themselves to exclusively promote a nonviolent philosophy. Rather, people power will use violent or nonviolent strategies — or both — to achieve desired outcomes with specific political goals. A case in point is the EDSA Revolution in the Philippines of 1986, which although was intended to be a peaceful revolution, actually adopted violent tactics. However, it is important to note that historically, when compared to violent campaigns, more cases of non-violent people power movements have succeeded in achieving their political goals as they gain wider resonance with audiences outside the movement.

     The level of organisation of people power movements varies from "relatively spontaneous...to pre-planned and highly coordinated". There is not one specific method of planning or coordination necessary for a people power movement: so long as the tactics employed reflect a sustained effort from a "grassroots populace". In terms of examples of different tactics employed, a wide range of strategies of protest and persuasion have been used. Strategies used by people power activists often engage the wider population so as to maximise participation and general engagement. Below is a list of strategies that would be exemplary of people power movements.

            Small-scale examples--

Collecting Signatures 2018
Social media and network communications to share photos, images, and longer texts
Signatures for petitions
House meetings and events
Posters, letter-writing, phone-calling
Contact with media outlets or press
Civil disobedience
Fundraising and education campaigns
Direct appeals through messages and emails
Crowdsourcing campaigns to maximise participation in communities
Large-scale examples
Organised "acts of sabotage" against government which anticipate armed and violent conflicts
Nonviolent action and campaigns
Violent street demonstrations and marches
Work stoppages
General strikes
Legal action
Boycotts, investments or disinvestments
April Carter, leading scholar on grassroots action and peace studies,[20] identifies three advantages with the strategies of people power protests.

     It reflects how those engaged in strikes, demonstrations and occupation of key buildings, and facing down armed security forces, see themselves: the people rising against oppressive rulers; it links the idea of resistance to the idea of democracy, which is the goal of the mass protests; it suggests the central strategy (conscious or intuitive) behind such peaceful revolts: that rulers can be toppled when the ruled refuse to obey them any longer.

--Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                   (साभार आणि सौजन्य-संदर्भ- en.विकिपीडिया.ऑर्ग)

-----श्री.अतुल एस.परब(अतुल कवीराजे)