संजय सोनवणी-Was Sindhu culture entirely destroyed?-3

Started by Atul Kaviraje, August 22, 2022, 08:25:38 PM

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Atul Kaviraje

                                      "संजय सोनवणी"


     आज वाचूया, श्री संजय सोनवणी, यांच्या ब्लॉग मधील एक इंग्रजी महत्त्वपूर्ण लेख. या लेखाचे शीर्षक आहे- "Was Sindhu culture entirely destroyed ?"

       Was Sindhu culture entirely destroyed ?--(लेख क्रमांक-3)--

               What is lost of Sindhu people ?--

     We have lost a strong legacy of Sindhu people, our forefathers which I would like to list as under:

1. We lost the great tradition of town planning.
2. We lost the great legacy of a trading community, adventure and commerce that was needed for constant prosperity.
3. We lost the tradition of scientific advance that had began by Sindhu people. The first dry-dock was built by Sindhu people at Lothal.
4. We lost the literacy of Sindhu people...Sindhu people had script and could write and it appears that people were educated.


     Here I am not attempting to compare both the cultures those had independent values and lifestyle. But vaidik culture too didn't vanish. They too have preserved their legacy to some extent.

1. By oral tradition they preserved Veda's. (They didn't know art of writing as Sindhu people did.)
2. Keeping ancient memories in mind they migrated almost all over India from the earth-quake stricken Saraswati region.
3. They preserved their Yadnyk ritualistic religion and spread in among others for almost 2000 years (till 2nd century AD.) But gradually it ended up.
4. Vaidiks wrote Purana's, gave new dimensions, suitable to them, by way of adulteration to Mahabharata, Ramayana and Purana's, that helped them inevitably in proving their own supremacy.
5. With smrutis, they established their supremacy over other people.

                   WHAT THEY LOST ?--

1. They lost their very religion and rituals in the course of time.
2. They could not prove supremacy of their Gods like Indra, Mitra, varuna etc. whom none worships today.
3. They lost their principle business of animal farming and entered in other businesses.
4. They lost their constant zeal of fighting against idol worshippers and had to become priests of idol worshipping classes.

     Anyway, we have seen that though few cities of Sindhu people were destroyed because of natural calamities, flow of the culture didn't stop there. It is ever flowing energetic force and we need to catch up with what we have lost in the course of the time.

--संजय सोनवणी
(December 16, 2010)

                 (साभार आणि सौजन्य-संजय सोनवणी.ब्लॉगस्पॉट.कॉम)
                                (संदर्भ-मराठी ब्लॉगर्स.नेट)

-----श्री.अतुल एस.परब(अतुल कवीराजे)