दिन-विशेष-लेख-International Midwives Day-B

Started by Atul Kaviraje, May 05, 2023, 10:10:55 AM

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Atul Kaviraje

                           "International Midwives' Day"


     आज दिनांक-05.05.2023-शुक्रवार आहे, 05 मे हा दिवस "International Midwives' Day" म्हणूनही ओळखला जातो. वाचूया, तर या दिवसाचे महत्त्व, आजच्या या "दिन-विशेष-लेख" या शीर्षकI-अंतर्गत.

     There have been a number of different themes over the years for International Midwives' Day. Typically, a new theme will be set every year. However, there have been some years whereby themes continue onto the next. Some of the themes we have seen so far include the likes of...

The World Needs Midwives Now More Than Ever
Midwives Changing the World One Family at a Time
Midwives: For a Better Tomorrow
Women and Newborns: The Heart of Midwifery
Midwives, Mothers, and Families: Partners for Life!
Midwives: Defenders of Women's Rights
Irrespective of the theme, there are three key aims when it comes to International Midwives' Day. So, let's take a look at them...

Inform everyone with an interest in both justice and health that midwives are critical in lowering neonatal and maternal mortality and morbidity.
Celebrate the achievements of midwives, as well as their contribution to improving newborn, maternal, reproductive, and sexual health outcomes.
Motivative policymakers to implement change by recognizing the unique professional role of a midwife, as well as lobbying for adequate midwifery resources.
Why it is important to celebrate midwives
There are a number of different reasons why International Midwives' Day is an important celebration. This includes the following...

There is a shortage of midwives – When we discuss all of the amazing things that midwives do, it's also important to take into consideration the fact that there is a shortage of midwives, especially in developing countries! This means that there are many challenges, and a lot of midwives experience a lack of support, low status, and poor pay.

Midwives save millions of lives every year – Since 1990, the globe has seen a steady decrease in newborn and maternal deaths. One of the main reasons for this is because more women are getting skilled midwifery care.

                   (साभार आणि सौजन्य-संदर्भ-डेज ऑफ द इयर.कॉम)

-----श्री.अतुल एस.परब(अतुल कवीराजे)