दिन-विशेष-लेख-International Midwives Day-C

Started by Atul Kaviraje, May 05, 2023, 10:12:17 AM

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Atul Kaviraje

                         "International Midwives' Day"


     आज दिनांक-05.05.2023-शुक्रवार आहे, 05 मे हा दिवस "International Midwives' Day" म्हणूनही ओळखला जातो. वाचूया, तर या दिवसाचे महत्त्व, आजच्या या "दिन-विशेष-लेख" या शीर्षकI-अंतर्गत.

Midwives provide critical medical care – Not only do midwives save lives, but they also provide a wide range of other important medical services. They can perform cervical and breast cancer screenings, as well as offering counseling and services. In some countries, they are also able to carry out basic emergency obstetric care.

Midwives are important defenders of women's rights – Last but not least, we cannot mention the importance of midwives without discussing how they do lots in terms of advancing the rights of females around the world. They can assist survivors of gender-based violence, as well as helping to prevent female genital mutilation (FGM). The importance of their work should not be undervalued.

              How to celebrate International Midwives' Day--

     One of the best ways to celebrate International Midwives' Day is by learning about Midwifery and the role it plays in home-birthing. If you know a midwife or one helped you give birth to your child, be sure to send them a thank you card or call them and tell them you appreciate them. Midwives tend to care very deeply about the children they help bring into the world, and love updates!

     There are a number of other steps that you can take in order to do your part of International Midwives' Day. Why not look for different ways that you can inform the public about midwives? You could organize a high-visibility event for the day. This includes anything from a marathon to a public performance, march, or a rally. Another option is to create a social media campaign. If you're savvy with the Internet and you have a good online presence, you can encourage people to join in and share their own experiences regarding midwifery care.

                   (साभार आणि सौजन्य-संदर्भ-डेज ऑफ द इयर.कॉम)

-----श्री.अतुल एस.परब(अतुल कवीराजे)